Support Us

Our future success relies on the generosity of our supporters.​
Your donation will help us -
preserve the architectural heritage of Somerset
continue to help individuals and community organisations on the
care and conservation of historic buildings
educate present and future generations about the importance of the county’s built heritage through community
raise awareness through community engagement, talks and exhibitions.
It is very easy to donate to the Somerset Building Preservation Trust either by cheque or BACS. Some choose to support us by making a regular donation through a standing order.
Have you considered leaving a legacy to the Somerset Building Preservation Trust?
Why should I leave a gift to the Trust in my Will?
Your legacy, however large or small, will make a tangible difference to helping to ensure that the charitable work of the Trust, repairing historic building and making them available to the wider community, can continue for the benefit of future generations. Unless you specify otherwise in your Will, the Trust would invest any legacy so as to provide an income to support its future work.
How do I leave a gift to the Trust in my Will?
It is very straightforward and can be done either when making, or updating your Will, or at any other time by adding a simple codicil, as advised by your Solicitor. You have the choice in of either leaving a sum of money, or by leaving a percentage of the residue of your estate, after specific bequests and costs have been met. There may be tax advantages in the latter course of action and as such you are recommended to seek the advice of an independent Financial Advisor.
If you decide to leave the Trust a legacy your decision is private and confidential.
To discuss any of these options please ring our
company secretary Jane Boyd-Brent
Somerset Building Preservation Trust

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